Permabond A131 Anaerobic Threadsealant. Low strength, easy to dismantle
Permabond A131 Anaerobic Threadsealant.
Low strength, easy to dismantle
Handling Time: 45 min, Full Strength: 24 Hours
Max Temperature: 150 °C
WRAS approval for potable water, Australian Gas Association, KIWA for potable water
Benefits of a Thread Sealer:
-Use instead of PTFE tape or pipe dope
-Pipe joints can be re-used
-Quick and easy to apply
-Can be used on a variety of pipe sizes
-Lubricates threads making assembly much easier
-Reduces risk of cross threading during assembly
-Stops rust and corrosion making maintenance easier
-Will not creep, shrink or shred – will not block valves
-Taps and valves can be easily aligned in a pipework system
Usually ex stock Christchurch and ships overnight.
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