In Oliver Twist by Charles Dickens, a church official states, “"If the law supposes that," said Mr. Bumble, squeezing his hat emphatically in both hands, "the law is a ass — a idiot.”
If you ever buy a product that is made for sale in California, you’ll possibly see the label attached as found on a connection adaptor shown above. I thought it might be useful to mention this in case you buy such a product from us, and to alleviate your worry.
With good intention, Proposition 65 was designed to protect peoples health, but fell prey to the ridiculousness so often associated with bureaucracy.
Here in “Godzone” common sense prevails and we have no such law.
Technically of course the warning is correct; brass contains Lead, and when ingested lead has all manner of dire health effects.
So, a more sensible warning might say “do not eat this connector, it contains lead”! “When ingested” is the operative phrase here.
To give further credence to the concept that the law may be “an ass”, here’s a handful of chemicals listed on the Prop-65 data sheets. Take care not to use any of these!
At a supplier conference in California in March 2018, even the “happiest place on earth” had signs warning of this.
I do believe in taking care of our planet; it’s the only one we’ve got, but one must temper knee-jerk reactions. Some years ago there was a joke promotion to ban Dihydrogen Monoxide. They obtained many signatures, and a letter from a NZ MP to the associate Health Minister, but of course Dihydrogen Monoxide is water!
We should be very grateful to live in New Zealand!